Tuesday 1 April 2014

ATP Recordings

ATP Recordings is a British independent record label that was started in 2001 by London concert promoter Barry Hogan of Foundation/All Tomorrow's Parties. It was originally created to bring out a compilation cd (ATPRCD01) after the Tortoise-curated All Tomorrow's Parties event. First, everyone who attended the first festival was given a limited edition promotional sampler (PROATPFCD01), the packaging of which echoed the Factory Records style of Peter Saville. The full compilation followed later, and indeed a number of other ATP festivals would also receive the compilation treatment, the most recent being the 2006 Nightmare Before Christmas, for which ATPR and Plan B Magazine collaborated on a free cd given out to attendees.
The label eventually moved on from just doing compilations for the festival to sign bands like Threnody Ensemble,Bardo Pond, The Magic Band, Jackie-O Motherfucker, Deerhoof and White Out (with Jim O'Rourke). In recent years ATP Recordings has expanded and now also has on its roster Apse, Alexander Tucker, Death Vessel, The Drones,Fuck Buttons, Fursaxa, The Scientists, Sleepy Sun, Built To Spill and Autolux.
Towards the end of 2007 they announced plans to release a new series of double 7" singles called Custom Made, which would feature bands choosing four songs; one something old, one something new, one something borrowed (a cover version) and one something blue (artists were free to interpret this as they feel). The first artists to release singles in this series are The Drones, Alexander Tucker and Deerhoof.
The label also released a very special collector's edition of the classic Spiritualized album Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space. The label announced in 2010 that they would now be releasing music from Built To Spillthroughout Europe and Autolux worldwide (except Japan & North America). They have also announced the release of the debut solo album from The Dronesfrontman Gareth Liddiard.
For 2012 new signings include Tall Firs, Tennis and Anywhere (feat members of The Mars Volta, Triclops! and The Minutemen).

Rough Trade Independent Record Label

Step one and two-
Rough Trade Records - is an independent record label based in London. It was formed in 1978 by Geoff Travis who had opened a record store off Ladbroke Grove. Having successfully promoted and sold records by punk, very early indie pop and early post punk bands such as Buzzcocks, The Smiths and Desperate Bicycles, Travis began to manage acts and distribute bands such as Scritti Politti and began the label, which was informed by left-wing politics and structured as a co-operative. Soon after, Rough Trade also set up a distribution arm that serviced independent retail outlets across Britain, a network that became known as the Cartel.

Interest and investment of major labels in the UK indie scene in the late 1980s, as well as overtrading on behalf of Rough Trade's distribution wing, led to cash flow problems, and eventually to bankruptcy, forcing the label into receivership. However, Travis resurrected the label in the late 90s, finding success with The Libertines, The Strokes and Antony and the Johnsons.

The record labels artists are not massively well known but are still successful with some performing in big festivals this year.The record label benefits a lot from the new media technology mainly making it less costly for them. They have social networking site they can now use to market the artists such as facebook, twitter and instagram that lets them get closer to their fans but also sites like youtube, spotify, itunes and soundcloud where songs can be put on and played for free. Everything is now widely available for practically everyone that wants it so the job of marketing the artists got a lot easier and less expensive. They can also get feedback on these sites seeing if people like what is produced or not through views, likes and reviews that are usually given by the public. Music is distributed easier too now due to new technology the record label can put it on a site and it will soon get shared and set around through friends. 

Some of the artists have occasionally made it onto the Radio One playlist but not all of them. Most of the artists do not usually appear on music channels or tv channels but one that i know of 'Warpaint's' songs sometimes appear on the music channels for people to listen to. Youtube, Itunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, Lastfm and Facebook are where the public can all listen to the music of the artists from rough trade whenever they like.

  • http://www.roughtrade.com/
Step four-
A couple of the artists signed with rough trade are Warpaint and The Libertines.
On youtube Warpaint have 1,388,646 views on one of their music videos. the artists suggested when clicking on the songs are people such as Bombay Bicycle Club, Lana Del Ray and The Arctic Monkeys. The Libertines on youtube have 4,378,539 views on one of their songs and artists suggested are The Strokes, The Fratellis and Jamie T. 
On Last Fm warpaint have 12,199,100 plays and 407,114 listeners on their top hits. Suggested artists are Wild Beasts, Savages and Temples. The Libertines on Last Fm 37,766,544 Scrobbles and 1,167,271 listeners.
Both Warpaint and The Libertines sell their songs, albums,pod casts and music videos on Itunes.

Step five-
One artists known on is at a music festival Reading this year which is Warpaint. The person who owns the independent label is Geoff Travis who founded it in 1978. Rough trade is based in london with 2 shops rough trade east and west but also have a shop now in nyc. The amount of people employed by the label are not known but They have 3 managers and 6 producers. The record label is quite big and has marketing, legal and creative departments. The music label is not attached to any famous clubs as it is not that type of music to be in clubs. You can send your music to the record label for them to consider but it is up to them to see if you have potential and fit the rough trade genre. 

Step six-
The label produces CDs and vinyls in the shops that they have. Rough trade has a large amount of very different acts and has its own recording studio for them to create the music in. Although merchandise might be sold none was found only cds to be sold on the official website for rough trade. 

The independent label ignore the stereotype of music consumption and the popular music and focus on the different talented artists bringing the public something different from the ordinary songs produced now days. The label pays for its very big website that has all of the artists under it with their own pages and music. The record label has a myspace as well as a facebook and twitter account. The record label also has a youtube channel which has the artists songs on it including sessions by the artists. There are lots of gigs and events shown on the website that the label sets up for the artists such as little gigs around london and newyork. 

Key Terms

  • Distribution- The distribution stage is where the product is promoted and used to make the audience aware of the product.
  • Copyright- It is a legal concept so peoples work is not stolen and reproduced by others who get the credit for it. They have to pay in order to copy it and permission must be given.
  • Royalties- Royalties are the standard method of payment for songwriters and performers whose work is used on a recording. Most professional musicians rely on royalties for a large proportion of their income
  • A&R(Artists & Repertoire)- The division of a record label or music publishing company that is responsible for talent scouting and overseeing the artistic development of recording artists and/or songwriters
  • Sampling- The act of taking a portion, or sample, of one sound recording and reusing it as an instrument or a sound recording in a different song or piece.
  • Peer to Peer- People of similar ages and interest sharing music like files electronically.
  • Major Record Label- They are global record companies and there are four main record labels. They sign on popular people and make the music and get money from the artists.
  • Independent Label- It is a record label operating without the funding of or outside the organisations of the major record labels.

Thursday 27 March 2014

PDE,Madeon And Prosumers

Prosumer is originally formed by mixing the words producer and consumer together. It describes a marketing segment between professional and consumer. It is a consumer who becomes involved with designing or customizing products for their own needs. it means that the consumer which would be the customers are determining what they buy. We as an audience influence the people who produce the music causing the music to change. Major record labels only sell the same old stuff as they know it will sell to the public whereas new stuff may not. The majors also get the public involved when producing music through voting and focus groups beforehand.

PDE (Production, Distribution, Exchange)-
  • Production- it is something being made from scratch. It is someone working on their own or a group within the music industry to manage the recording. It also includes the making of the final product.
  • Distribution- The distribution stage is where the product is promoted and used to make the audience aware of the product. The distributor is responsible for the amount of copies produced for the marketing stage.
  • Exchange- The exchange happens between the record labels and the artists, the song is exchanged for royalties and some rights to the song itself.
How is he making music?
Madeon chooses 39 songs he likes cuts part of them out and mashes them together from a keypad to make the songs go together to create a brand new song.
Who is he? How old when he made this?
Madeon is a French house/electro/pop producer. He was only 16 years old when he created "pop culture".
What ways is he getting his music out there?
Madeon put his mash up onto youtube for free and received millions of hits in the first few days of being on there, so that is where hes success came from. He also puts it on social networking sites and soundcloud where people can also listen for free.He has a website for himself as well which promotes his albums and tours.
How is he making his music (idaft)?
In the live video of Madeon performing it shows how he makes his music by using a launchpad and keyboard.
How big is his audience? 
Madeon is very popular as in a few days he received millions of hits on just one video. Also his youtube followers are 357,266.
Who is his audience? (Social Networks, collaborations, fans of what music, prosumers?)
Madeon has different social networking accounts such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook where he has a wide audience.

Digital media technology continues to develop. How is this significant for media institutions and audiences?
Digital media technology is developing rapidly and the new technology includes cameras and viral marketing.The companies able to afford all the technology and new ways of distributing are the big ones with the money.Special features make this happen in films by making them more entertaining and interesting for the audience.With new technology also comes new music developing like mashing up existing songs to create a brand new song.As the technology continues it allows the audience to get more from artists than just their music like constant news of what they are doing through social networking sites.The job of the distributors is now not so big as through social networking sites new songs and albums being released are quick to be heard about by then fans. Technology has developed so much that people can create songs at home and it still sound no different than the big production companies and now days that is how most of them get recognized, through things like Youtube. If digital media technology continues production and distribution would no longer be needed as the job will be being done by the audience but also online on the internet.

Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in the production and exchange of media texts-
An issue for the production could be that they are not getting enough money through to use it to create and edit a good music video as they are quite expensive to produce, Having a bad video will make people less interested in investing. Piracy is also a big issue as music is uploaded to sites such as Youtube and then illegally downloaded from then on for free. The media production company's are losing more and more money because of this mainly the younger generation participating in this, but also the older as well. Music is so easy to download for nothing why would they make the effort to go out and buy a CD which takes up space when they can get all the songs for free in a matter of seconds over the internet. 

Tuesday 25 March 2014

In what ways will media ownership affect audiences in the next 10 years?

Digi Modernism

In a sentence, it's the cultural effects of new technologies. It's the impact of computerization on texts and the arts. It's a whole new cultural paradigm, the successor to postmodernism which bit the dust around the turn of the millennium.

Cross- media Convergence

Record Label

A record label is a brand and/or a trademark associated with the marketing of music recordings and music videos. Often, a record label is also a publishing company that manages such brands and trademarks; coordinates the production,manufacturedistribution, marketing, promotion, and enforcement of copyright for sound recordings and music videos; conducts talent scouting and development of new artists ("artists and repertoire" or "A&R"); and maintains contracts with recording artists and their managers. The term "record label" derives from the circular label in the center of a vinyl record which prominently displays the manufacturer's name, along with other information.

What Is A Record Label?

A record label is a brand and/ or trademark associated with the marketing of music recording and music videos. It is often a publishing company that coordinates the production, manufacture, distribution, marketing, promotion and enforcement of copyright for sound recordings and music videos. They conduct talent scouting and development of new artists.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Difference between major and independent record labels

Major record labels-
There are many differences between the major record labels and the independent labels. The financial aspect is one of them. Major record labels sign who they consider to be the most popular and the popular people in todays music, This means the major record label obtains hundreds of millions of dollars which means they can use the money to promote the artists they sign in a variety of different media aspects. Most major record labels artists earn 10-15% royalty on their music. Money made from the music will first go the label until debts of the artist are covered. Major label artists reach a larger audience through the high promotion the label uses, but if the artist is not bringing the money into the label they can be dropped. Major record companies are a business and they make sure that they get profit as much as possible from the music and the artist is not able to keep control over their music because of the contract signed.

Independent record labels-
Independent music labels do not have the huge funds for promotion unlike the major record labels. The independent artists must contribute to helping promote their music, although this is not something they all want to do it means that being involved in the promotion means they are able to form a personal and unique bond with their fan base. Independent artists are able to keep the rights to their music, once the song is recorded the artist can do what they like with it. Independent record labels offer a higher royalty rate because production cost is much lower, it lets the artist make much more of their brand than a major record label.

Questions For Parents

  • Who is your favourite artist of your time?

  • What did you used to listen to your music on?

  • How did you purchase your music in them days?

  • Was there any ways of getting music without purchasing it?

  • How did you find out about the latest music?

  • What do you think has gone wrong from then until now with buying music?

  • Who is to blame?

Production, Distribution,Exhibition & Exchange

  • Production- it is something being made from scratch. It is someone working on their own or a group within the music industry to manage the recording. It also includes the making of the final product.
  • Distribution- The distribution stage is where the product is promoted and used to make the audience aware of the product. The distributor is responsible for the amount of copies produced for the marketing stage.
  • Exhibition- The exhibition is the stage where the product is sent to many different places/ institutions in order for the audience to view the final product. For example the product would be sent too different social networking sites such as Youtube, Spotify, Lime Wire and Amazon.
  • Exchange- The exchange happens between the record labels and the artists, the song is exchanged for royalties and some rights to the song itself.

Music Class Interview

  • Favourite new artist and why- JEN-The 1975 because their songs are well cute and happy Also disclosure as they do really good songs that make me want to dance but i cant dance. TIERNEY- Clean bandit their songs are good.
  • How do you find out about new music- JEN- through youtube and the TV through music channels also the top charts on itunes. TIERNEY- through social networking like the artists twitter acoount by promoting but also through my friends as well. Also the radio plays new songs which i listen to on the way to and from school.
  • What type of consumer are you- JEN- i download my music illegally as it is easy and free. I occasionally pay for the odd album on itunes if i cant be bothered to download it all though. I occasionally get a cd for christmas too from mum but i wouldn't go out and buy one. TIERNEY- i am defiantly a legal downloader by buying it on itunes but also download them illegally as well as it costs nothing.
  • How do you collect your music- JEN- Most of my music is on my phone and ipad through an app and itunes. TIERNEY- All my music is on my phone on an app where i can illegally download or in my music library from itunes.
  • Do i feel a connection with the artists- JEN- no not really you dont know them you know their songs, i like them for their songs not them. TIERNEY- If their lyrics are relevant if not no i just enjoy the song.
  • Guilty pleasures- JEN- defiantly justin Timberlake, it was bieber until he turned into an idiot. TIERNEY- Beyonce shes queen of everything
  • Reasons for consumption habits- JEN- why would i spend my money on music when its so easy not too and you easily get away with it, i do feel a bit guilty but oh well. TIERNEY- Itunes is easier but i don't want to spend all the money i work for on music so illegally download when i have time. Itunes is quicker.
  • Do you play music or just watch it- JEN- i only listen to it id like to be able to play it but i cant so no. TIERNEY- yeah i only listen to it i cant play anything.
  • Do you follow the trends of music- JEN- yes and no if i hear a song i like not necessarily in the charts ill still like it but i do still listen to the music charts which follows the trend i guess. TIERNEY- bit of both i like what i like whether its popular or not.
  • Are we responsible for the decline in people buying music- JEN- yes probably partly to blame through the illegal downloads instead of buying the songs but if they put it online for us to listen to for free they need to expect us to easily download it for free so it is their fault for putting it on things like youtube. TIERNEY- No just the growth in technology is and its responsible for how lazy we have become in downloading the music.