Thursday 27 March 2014

PDE,Madeon And Prosumers

Prosumer is originally formed by mixing the words producer and consumer together. It describes a marketing segment between professional and consumer. It is a consumer who becomes involved with designing or customizing products for their own needs. it means that the consumer which would be the customers are determining what they buy. We as an audience influence the people who produce the music causing the music to change. Major record labels only sell the same old stuff as they know it will sell to the public whereas new stuff may not. The majors also get the public involved when producing music through voting and focus groups beforehand.

PDE (Production, Distribution, Exchange)-
  • Production- it is something being made from scratch. It is someone working on their own or a group within the music industry to manage the recording. It also includes the making of the final product.
  • Distribution- The distribution stage is where the product is promoted and used to make the audience aware of the product. The distributor is responsible for the amount of copies produced for the marketing stage.
  • Exchange- The exchange happens between the record labels and the artists, the song is exchanged for royalties and some rights to the song itself.
How is he making music?
Madeon chooses 39 songs he likes cuts part of them out and mashes them together from a keypad to make the songs go together to create a brand new song.
Who is he? How old when he made this?
Madeon is a French house/electro/pop producer. He was only 16 years old when he created "pop culture".
What ways is he getting his music out there?
Madeon put his mash up onto youtube for free and received millions of hits in the first few days of being on there, so that is where hes success came from. He also puts it on social networking sites and soundcloud where people can also listen for free.He has a website for himself as well which promotes his albums and tours.
How is he making his music (idaft)?
In the live video of Madeon performing it shows how he makes his music by using a launchpad and keyboard.
How big is his audience? 
Madeon is very popular as in a few days he received millions of hits on just one video. Also his youtube followers are 357,266.
Who is his audience? (Social Networks, collaborations, fans of what music, prosumers?)
Madeon has different social networking accounts such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook where he has a wide audience.

Digital media technology continues to develop. How is this significant for media institutions and audiences?
Digital media technology is developing rapidly and the new technology includes cameras and viral marketing.The companies able to afford all the technology and new ways of distributing are the big ones with the money.Special features make this happen in films by making them more entertaining and interesting for the audience.With new technology also comes new music developing like mashing up existing songs to create a brand new song.As the technology continues it allows the audience to get more from artists than just their music like constant news of what they are doing through social networking sites.The job of the distributors is now not so big as through social networking sites new songs and albums being released are quick to be heard about by then fans. Technology has developed so much that people can create songs at home and it still sound no different than the big production companies and now days that is how most of them get recognized, through things like Youtube. If digital media technology continues production and distribution would no longer be needed as the job will be being done by the audience but also online on the internet.

Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in the production and exchange of media texts-
An issue for the production could be that they are not getting enough money through to use it to create and edit a good music video as they are quite expensive to produce, Having a bad video will make people less interested in investing. Piracy is also a big issue as music is uploaded to sites such as Youtube and then illegally downloaded from then on for free. The media production company's are losing more and more money because of this mainly the younger generation participating in this, but also the older as well. Music is so easy to download for nothing why would they make the effort to go out and buy a CD which takes up space when they can get all the songs for free in a matter of seconds over the internet. 

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